Campagnolo Chorus 11 Speed Cassette 11-23

RRP £137.99 Save 10%
Chorus 11 Speed Cassette 11-23

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Product ID: CS9-CH113

Chorus 11 Speed Cassette 11-23

Campagnolo's 11 speed drivetrain calls upon new levels of precision and their engineers have delivered. Every sprocket tooth has been designed to achieve maximum synchronization, shifting speed, and silent operation. The six larger sprockets feature an alloy 'sub-carrier system' for improved torsional stiffness so that operating precision is maintained even during shifting under stress. The surface treatment of the eleven steel sprockets assures longer component life maintaining maximum performance as the miles rack up.


  • Hard wearing nickel coated steel sprockets
  • Alloy sub-carrier for reduced weight
  • Ultra-Shift teeth profile for high performance shifting
  • Supplied with alloy lockring
  • Approximate weight: 12-25 267grms

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