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Campagnolo Veloce Black 10s Braze-on Front Derailleur

RRP £28.00 Save 10%

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Product ID: 7515

Veloce Black 10s Braze-on Front Mech.

The braze on Veloce 10 speed front derailleur offers snappier faster shifting thanks to the improved interface with Ergopower controls and the greater length of the outer parallelogram link. It works equally well with standard double and compact chainsets and its satin finished cage is robust and durable

Campagnolo Veloce Black 10s Braze-on Front Derailleur

The braze on Veloce 10 speed front derailleur offers snappier faster shifting thanks to the improved interface with Ergopower controls and the greater length of the outer parallelogram link. It works equally well with standard double and compact chainsets and its satin finished cage is robust and durable


  • Weight: 98 grams
  • Antifriction insert braze-on, clip-on: 32, 35mm
  • Chrome-plated nickel fork
  • Use for double standard and CT chainsets
  • Perfect for traditional and compact chainsets

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