Deda Elementi Zero100 Team Stem

RRP £87.00 Save 10%


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Product ID: DST

The Deda Elementi Zero100 Team Stem has a 70 degree angle and is ideal for track racing, getting you as low as possible over the front wheel.

The forged alloy construction is anodised and finished in team colours.


Deda Elementi Zero100 Team Stem

If you are serious about track racing and want to get into the best position possible to perform at your best, the Deda Elementi Zero100 Team Stem has a 70 degree negative angle designed to get you low over the front wheel.

The fork steerer is 1 1/8" (28.6mm) with a 40mm clamp height and 31.7mm diameter handlebar clamp. The stem is lightweight, with the 110mm coming in at just 126g, and features a 4-bolt face plate with CrMo screws being used throughout.

The 3D forged alloy construction has a black anodised finish and is available in team colours, with white and red logos.


  • Material: Alloy 2014 3D forged
  • Fork Steerer: 1 1/8" (28.6mm)
  • Clamp height: 40mm
  • Angle: 70deg
  • Handlebar: 31.8mm
  • Bolts: CrMo
  • Weight: 126g (110mm)
  • Finish: Black anodised

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