KMC 11X KMC Cassette

RRP £58.99 Save 10%


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Product ID: 1792078


KMC REACT X11 Black Cassette

The KMC cassettes offer unbeatable fluidity and smoothness when linked with their own chains. Not only this, but they have been carefully developed to link with all compatible chains within the 11X range.

Carefully crafted shift ramps ensure smooth and steady chain control and improve shifting performance and efficiency.


  • Lifting Ramps: The unique lifting ramp design carries the chain smoothly upward on the cog.
  • Lowering Ramps: Aligns the chain safe, quickly and smoothly
  • Perfect compatibility: The KMC cog teeth design perfectly pairs with KMC chains, the reduced friction leads to perfect drivetrain coordination and increased durability

Tech Specs

  • Compatibility: HG Driver
  • Material: High Tensile Steel
  • Finish: ED Black
  • Weight: 0.55kg

Great ratios

  • KX50: 11-13-15-17-19-21-24-28-32-36-42T
  • KX51: 11-13-15-18-21-24-28-32-36-42-50T


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