Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL8 Carbon Seatpost

RRP £205.00 Save 35%


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Product ID: 1732845


S-Works Tarmac SL8 Carbon Seatpost

Enhance your bike's performance with the S Works Tarmac SL8 replacement seatpost, which offers two setback options: 0mm and 15mm. Crafted from FACT carbon and designed with aerodynamics in mind, it's the perfect fit for the 2024 Tarmac SL8. The 15mmoffset features a 2-bolt micro-adjust clamp and a 46mm saddle rail cradle, allowing you to fine-tune your offset from 0mm to 15mm. If you prefer a 0mm offset, the cylindrical aluminum head assembly is easily adjustable for both fore-aft and tilt with a single accessible bolt. Upgrade your ride for optimal comfort and performance.


  • FACT carbon construction and aerodynamic profile compatible with the 2024 Tarmac SL8.
  • Setback: 0/15mm.
  • 15mm offset: 2-bolt micro-adjust clamp with 46mm saddle rail cradle enables an effective offset from 0mm to 20mm.
  • 0mm offset: Cylindrical aluminium head assembly adjusts fore-aft and tilt with an easy-access single bolt.

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