Selle Italia SLR Boost TM Saddle

RRP £134.99 Save 19%

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Product ID: 1199650


Selle Italia SLR Boost TM Saddle

Offering a combination of comfort and performance, the Selle Italia SLR Boost TM Saddle has plenty in its locker. Available in two widths to suit all riders, it comes in 130mm or the wider model, 145mm and keeps weight to a minimum. Besides the choice of widths, the Boost TM has a compact shape and is finished with a Soft-Tek cover to resist scratches and scrapes. The Manganese rails feature on a number of the saddles in the Selle Italia line-up and will keep it securely in place and add to the comfort factor. With a central channel providing flex on the wings, the saddle will spread the rider's weight evenly whilst relieving pressure.


  • Manufacturer claimed weight: S 220 grams / L 230 grams
  • Rail: Manganese Tube Ø7mm
  • Dimensions: S3 130x248mm / L3 145x248mm
  • Soft-Tek cover
  • Lateral frame visibility

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